Why hire a Postpartum Doula?

  • You can be taken care of + given the rest you need + deserve after giving birth.

  • You can rest in a home that is tidy + fresh, peaceful + calm.

  • You can have more time to meet + learn who your new baby is without the distractions of everyday life.

  • You can have simple newborn care + feeding questions answered in the comfort of your own home without having to go on the google rabbit trail.

  • You can be fed deeply nourishing foods, given restorative herbal teas, + sitz baths to help you fully recover. And you can recover deeply + more quickly, which can help keep postpartum depression at bay.

  • You can have someone help you self-identify if what you are experiencing is normal or if you might need additional support.

  • Your additional children +/or pets can get a little well-deserved attention.

  • You can have access to me for texting, calling, or FaceTiming during the duration of our contract.

  • You can be supported with current research-based information to help you make the best choices in regards to infant feeding, care, + sleep for your family.

  • You can have more time to connect with your older children or have someone connect with them if you need to prioritize rest for yourself.

  • You can receive referrals for local organizations + agencies that you can trust.

  • You can find ease + peace in the initial adjustment of motherhood (for the first time + beyond!)

Hiring me is an investment you will not regret!

I have three children. I have had traumatic times of recovery, difficulties breastfeeding, desperate times of  foggy newborn days/nights (my 3rd had 6 months of constant colic), postpartum depression, huge paradigm shifts in my identity along with tons of joy, fun, satisfaction, + enjoyment from being a mama. I truly adore being a mama, but believe also believe that we can only fully thrive in our roles when we are nourished, rested, + well. The way you become a mama profoundly affects the way your children adjust to this world. When the mama is cared for, you take care of the entire family.