Indie Doula desires for every postpartum person to experience a vibrant postpartum, no matter their skin color, gender assigned at birth, religion, sexual orientation, race, income, physical abilities, political beliefs, or age. Every mama deserves to have a healthy, safe, + thriving postpartum.
The reality is that in the United States, Black women do not receive equal treatment in pregnancy or postpartum. Today, during childbirth + postpartum, Black women die at three to four times the rate of white women (even when they suffer from the same complications).
The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of any high resource country + it is the only country outside of Afghanistan + Sudan where the rate is rising (it has doubled in the last 25 years).
Nearly 60% of maternal deaths can be prevented by ensuring that women have access to quality, respectful, + equitable maternity care. Many women experience roadblocks when trying to get the help they need + deserve.
As a (mostly) white woman of privilege, I fully recognize that my birth experiences could have had much more tragic outcomes if my skin color was different. I am excited to be able to offer these small offerings:
Giving 10% of my financial profits to Black Mamas Matter Alliance.
Offering partial scholarships to people in the BIPOC community who wish to use my services.
Organizing + collecting donations to support people in the BIPOC community who wish to become Birth or Postpartum Doulas.
If you are in the BIPOC community + interested in a partial scholarship, please contact me. If you would like to help someone in the BIPOC community receive the care they deserve, please donate. Thank you for joining me!
Learn with me.
To Prevent Women from Dying in Childbirth, First Stop Blaming Them
Nothing Protects Black Women From Dying From Pregnancy + Childbirth
Hospitals blame moms when childbirth goes wrong. Secret data suggest it’s not that simple
How the Senate’s Health Care Bill Will Seriously Hurt Black Women
#BlackMamasMatter Draws Attention To Racial Disparity In Maternal Mortality Rates
Race & Maternal Mortality Are Linked & Black Mothers Are Paying The Price